Mila's First Tooth

As Mila is getting older by the minute, I am finding myself scrambling to fill in her baby journal. I try to take at least ten minutes a day to sit and fill in certain spots or write a story from a particular day into her journal. I have found taking that ten minutes prior to going to bed helps me relax and reflect on mine and Mila’s time spent together. Our relationship is growing and we are still learning each other. This first year with her is incredible and packed with tender moments I want to forever savor. I am so grateful I was able to create a baby journal that can house all the things we experience together. I hope you mamas enjoy it as much as I. Now that Mila is getting older, her journal is getting more exciting. I will update you all as I fill it in. Hopefully to inspire you mamas to write down memories of your own in my baby journal or another.

Recently Mila has overcome a tiring milestone. Teething. Teething is so different for everyone, am I right?! I feel like we all have our own teething stories, successes, symptoms, scares. It is one of those ‘Mama Moments’ that every mama can weigh in on. For both my children, teething has come wrapped up haphazardly with fevers, late night cries and cuddles laced with rosy cheeks. In fact, the rosy cheeks are a sign for us. When I see those, albiet they are incredibly cute it usually means teeth are about to push through. Which I can only imagine to be really painful. Poor Babes!

Experiencing milestones with my babies such as a first tooth, sitting up un-assisted or clapping are so emotional for me. I get overwhelmed with pride and immense love bubbles up and spills out in the form of happy tears. I get so excited to watch my children learn and grow. These little humans offer so much and seeing them learn their body and this wonderful life is something truly amazing. With that said, Mila’s 1/2 birthday started out just like any day. It wasn’t until mid afternoon while at a playdate I was holding Mila and she got ahold of my thumb in her mouth. I immediately felt teeth and lost it. I started to squeal with delight and the happy tears started rolling down my cheeks. I probably scared her while I had a freak moment. I cheered for her and just relived the moment I found Ryan’s first tooth. I just felt so lucky in that moment. Lucky to be a mama. Lucky to experience these life moments with my babies. It all might sound insane. (really Jacqui, its just teeth) However, this mama heart of mine is so enthralled with my little ones … even the slightest smile from them turns me into a melting pot of mush.

A friend of mine (Annie) caught my reaction and I think it fully sums me up :) That night, during my ten minute journal session I was beyond excited to add

“Mila’s 1st 2 teeth. Popped up over night it seemed on her 1/2 birthday. Her two front bottom teeth now sit pretty within her gummy smile.”

Below are a few updated journal pages from Mila’s baby book …

You can purchase my baby book; 'My First Year - A Baby Journal' here!
