Mila's Reading Corner - Book Three


Our third book for Mila’s Reading Corner is such a GOOD one! The Proudest Blue by Ibithaj Muhammad is a sweet story about two sisters. The eldest sister is picking out her first hijab to and wears it to school while the little sister looks up to her. The little sister ends up supporting her big sister during her first day at school wearing her hijab as the other children make fun of her, confused as to what a hijab is. The two girls end up proud about who they are, supporting each other and teaching other children just what a hijab is and why it is so important. The ending is quite cute and honestly our family LOVES this book so much. Especially as we raise two sisters ourselves it has brought up some great talking points for us. Not to mention we all know now what a hijab is, why it is important and why some Muslim women begin to wear them.

It is so important for Mila to learn about this now so she can support anyone she meets who wears a hijab. She will know what it is, how to pronounce ‘hijab’ and can honor girls/women who wear them. We are striving to raise both our girls to be anti bias and this book is a great way to learn about a new culture and how to celebrate our differences.

Find the book HERE and read it with your family. Then print out our Book Club activity page and talk with your children about The Proudest Blue. Find our printable activity page below! Since Mila is still too young to write actual words and sentences I fill in her actual answers. Then she draws her picture. She drew the oldest sister in her blue hijab and herself in a pink hijab. Mila says if she wore one she’d like it to be pink. You can see her activity page here …

Book Club Activity Worksheet - Download + Print
