Mila's Reading Corner - Book Two


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We are now on our second book for Mila’s Reading Corner and we have chosen Race Cars by Jenny Devenny. You can find the book HERE if you don’t already own. It is an incredible read that explores white privilege on a level that Mila can begin to comprehend. The store features two race cars that are best friends, one is white and one is black. The two friends race together and the white car continues to win. Even though the black car is just as good. The book showcases the race courses for each car and as you keep reading you’ll realize that the race courses are not the same. The black car ends up with a lot more hurdles to drive through than the white car.

We’ve read this book a handful of times now and Mila has definitely caught on to the fact that having the two race cars drive on different tracks is unfair. We’ve talked thoroughly about why it is unfair and how it made the black car feel when he kept losing. He kept losing to his best friend who didn’t have the same hardships that he had. And yet in the book you’ll see that the black car only cried when he was alone and was ultimately happy for his white race car friend each time he won. This book is full of feelings and I’d recommend you read it a few times with your children to really grasp the meaning. We tend to read this book as a family and sit afterwards explaining what white privilege is to Mila. We help her understand that we have to support all our friends no matter the color of their skin and help them if we see something unfair happening. These conversations can be hard but I feel they are necessary to have. Especially at Mila’s young age. She needs to start learning about these things so she can grow to be anti bias. That is important.

*I took an online class about raising anti bias children. I wrote out what I learned HERE if you want to take a look. It has been really helpful to refer back to.

Let us know if you read this book, you can click on the book photo below to find it online. And please fill out our book club activity page with your little ones to foster what you’ve learned from the book! If you share on social please tag us @babyboybakery and use the tag #MilasReadingCorner

Happy Reading!