8 Last Minute Holiday Gifts For Kids 2-10


I’ll be honest with you, I don’t buy my kids much for Christmas. Let me know where you stand in the comments below, I’m sure we all think differently about gift giving. Some of us are minimal, some of us gift a lot, some of us may have a specific number that they hit every year. I bet some of you even have some gifts that are traditions like gifting books every year and winter coats.

Listen, there is most definitely no right or wrong way to do things when it comes to gift giving during the holidays. Especially when it involves our kids. I grew up with my mom giving us very little and spending most of her money on taking us on trips. My mom was, and still is, all about giving the gift of experiences. So we went a lot of places and made a ton of memories and those memories were gifts. We traveled to Costa Rica, San Fransisco, Texas, Colorado and each trip, every year, was special in its own way.

I’m sharing what I will be putting under the tree for my girls this year and they make for some great last minute gift ideas if you need any! Take a look below and let me know what you are excited to gift your kids this holiday! This year I focused on getting the girls things they could enjoy together. They are starting to play so well together and Maya wants to do everything Mila does so I sided with items that they both could use.


Magnetic Easel & Whiteboard - I bought two of these so the girls can set them up and get creative while I work right next to them or cook dinner. They are light and easy to store, both Mila and Maya LOVE anything to do with art and dry erase markers are easy to clean ;)

Mo Willems Pigeon Books - We are such huge Mo Willems fans and I had to add these two to our home library. As you may know, we built a cozy reading nook in Mila’s room and the girls love sitting in the space reading books side by side, alone and together. They are going to love these! Here are the link so for The Pigeon Has To Go To School and Don’t Let The Pigeon Stay Up Late

KiwiCo - Our family is BIG into KiwiCo and Mila has been receiving her KiwiCo crates every month for nearly two years now! So this year little sis is joining in on the fun! I bought a KiwiCo subscription for Maya. I thought it would be fun to do with her while Mila is at school. If you are unfamiliar with KiwiCo you can click HERE to learn about their monthly themed boxes that are full of STEM learning activities. KiwiCo is great for kids ages 0-16+ and they come with everything you need to carry out each learning activity. We love them and I’m excited to start it up with Maya! If you click HERE you can receive 50% off your first month of KiwiCo!

Bubble Tree - BUBBLES! My kids love bubbles and we go through quite a bit. When I found Bubble Tree I was so excited because they use a safe eco-friendly bubble solution in aluminum bottles that can be refilled and recycled! I bought the girls the 1 liter system that has two bottles and 1 liter of bubble solution on tap! It is such a neat idea and I think the girls are really going to enjoy this one!


Honey Sticks Bath Crayons + Bath Color Drops - To be honest, Mila doesn’t really do baths much (she is more into showers ;) but Maya still lives for them and I thought these would be so fun for her! They are all natural and can make for some colorful bath time fun. The crayons work on the tub or tile and clean off easily, the color drops magically change the bath water into different colors. If your kids love bath time they will like these or even if they hate bath time, these might just lure them in ;)

LEGO Dots Picture Frame Kit - This one is for older kids and is all Mila. She LOVES the Dots bracelets and I thought this frame making kit was cute! If you are unfamiliar, Dots are little lego pieces that can be used to make all sorts of fun (and stylish things) they first came out with bracelets and now there are a whole bunch of various items you can build with Dots. If your kids love LEGO, they might be into these as well!

Wooden Stamp Set - Again with the arts and crafts, I bought this wooden stamp set for the girls to use. I thought the shapes were cool and I love the wooden handles. This kit comes with enough to share and will keep them happily occupied for a bit.

Mini Brands - Mila as a fierce love for blind bag surprises and wants nothing more than L.O.L dolls and Mini Brands. So, I bought her two little ones and I’m telling you right now, these two gold balls are what she will be most excited about all Christmas morning. Inside are secret surprises that are tiny and honestly I don’t get it but my nearly six year old does and this is me trying to make her happy.

And that is a WRAP! 8 gifts that I am gifting my kids this year that make for great last minute gifts! Happy gift shopping and I hope you all enjoy the holiday season truly with ones you love. At the end of it all, it isn’t about gifts, but you know that. I hope you take the time to relax, enjoy your family or soak in alone time. Love you all!