Watercolor Classroom Valentines


Ever since Mila started preschool we’ve been trying to come up with unique classroom Valentines she can hand out to all her friends. Last years was really fun (you can see what we put together HERE) but this year I wanted to do something candy/treat free! I also wanted to help Mila create a classroom Valentine that wouldn’t otherwise get tossed in the trash after the festivities. Hopefully her friends will enjoy using their watercolors at home for a while!

Since Mila is obsessed with painting and pretty much any type of arts and crafts, I thought it would be fun to gift her classmates their own watercolor pallet. Then to match the watercolor theme Mila painted a watercolor Valentine to go along with it, which she LOVED! I found some long card stock perfect for the watercolor pallets. Which also gave her plenty of space to practice writing her name. I found the watercolor pallets on Amazon and bought the card stock, washi tape, and heart paper punch all at Michaels craft store.

Below we show you how we put them together. Mila is SO excited about handing these out on Friday! It was really fun helping her make them. I’m so proud of her for writing her name on each one and painting a personal masterpiece for each of her friends!

Easy Watercolor Classroom Valentines

What You Need; Watercolor pallets (bought mine in bulk off Amazon), red washi tape, heart paper punch, long white card stock the length of the watercolor pallet, black pen.


What You Do

First set up your crafting area by laying down craft paper/newspaper/old fabric on the table to protect the table you are painting on. Start by punching hearts along the bottom of one side of each piece of card stock.


With the black pen, have your child sign their card. In our case Mila is still learning how to write her name. So I made dotted letters she could easily trace with a colorful marker.

Doing this part did take some time. We ended up splitting this craft into two days to fully finish up her classroom Valentines. (We made 24 in total)


After Mila traced her name with a colorful marker she painted some watercolor details onto each card! I love that each one is different. We played some music and just had a great time putting these together!


When the cards were fully dry, attached each one to a watercolor pallet with some washi tape. We made sure to align the hearts over the watercolors so the colors peeked through the hearts!


… in case you were wondering what little sis was doing while Mila and I crafted her classroom Valentines!
